Tuesday, December 25, 2018


At a young age, the brain is malleable & evolves rapidly. Children are highly susceptible to retain knowledge in adulthood if their right & left side of the brain is trained during an early age of increased brain activity.
Studies have shown that the fastest rate of brain development occurs since birth to age 6. A mental math program nurtures this process of brain development through stimulating activities that make the brain stronger over time. It allows children to effectively utilize both sides of the brain & become true geniuses in life – both on an intellectual & emotional level.

5 ways brain development programs nurture a child’s sense of genius
For the healthy development of a child’s brain, it needs to be continuously nurtured & stimulated. There is a plethora of math programs for kids that involves them in interactive activities which in turn create new neurotransmitter connections crucial for development.

1. The mental math programs lead to the overall development of the brain through abacus-based learning. All children fear math, but a brain training program involves interactive techniques that make math fun & easier.

2. Brain training activates both the left & right side of the brain and develops a healthy coordination between them allowing children to think clearly & enhances their creativity.
3. Brain health tends to decline with age. A good mental math program makes learning easier at an early age by training specific areas of the brain that remain strong during adulthood.
4. Researches have shown that at least 1 million neural synapses are made every second during early childhood years. Brian training leads to cognitive development by building new neural pathways in the brain at a young age and benefits children when they enter high school & college.
5. Benefits of early age learning also include better self-discipline, proficiency in math, improved self-confidence and a lifelong love of learning.
A child’s brain grows quickly & when trained perfectly, it can lead to a dynamic transformation in learning. Math programs for kids teach through a holistic brain development approach that integrates both the sides of the brain & paves a better pathway for academic & co-curricular success.

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Children in their early age grow quickly. This time is critically important as it builds a foundation for good physical and mental health in adulthood. Children, if nurtured properly, grow to be strong and have a healthy lifestyle.
During this span of development, the intake of healthy food by children is a vital matter, as eating a nutritious diet benefits them all through life. They get the right vitamins and minerals, which help them to grow and develop optimally. Therefore, it is quite essential for parents to instill a habit of eating healthy food in children from the very beginning. This blog will discuss in detail not only about the importance of eating healthy food but also mention a few tips for parents to encourage their children to have a proper diet.
Benefits of Eating Healthy Food for kids
Healthy food eating habits can have profound effect on child development, especially during their early years. Intake of healthy food can stabilize their energy, sharpen their minds and have a great effect on their sense of mental and emotional well-being. Nutritious diet leads to better immunity in children, which can help them in fighting any diseases, viruses or infections at the earlier stage itself.
Encouraging Kids to Eat Healthy Food
It is well said that, ‘It is easier to build up a child than it is to repair an adult’. Therefore, it is very important to encourage children to eat healthy food for them to be fit throughout their lives. Kids are never born with a craving for fast food or an aversion to vegetables or fruits, but it only occurs when they are exposed to unhealthy food choices. However, their unhealthy food cravings can be reprogrammed to healthier ones.
It is a fact that whether children are toddlers or in their teens, they develop a natural preference for the foods they enjoy the most. So, to encourage healthy eating habits, the parents need to go through this challenge of making nutritious choices appealing, and here are a few tips to do the same:
·      Parents must try to be a role model of their children, for they imitate quite strongly to what they see. Therefore, if adults eat healthy food then their kids will follow them too.
·      An idea to disguise the taste of healthier foods can encourage children to eat healthy, i.e. a boring food can be spiced up by adding oregano, black pepper, etc.
·      Restaurant or hotel food is cooked with more sugar and excess of oils. Therefore, it is better to cook such meals at home for that may have a huge impact on the kids’ health, and they will also enjoy variety of savors.
·      If kids get involved and develop interest in purchasing ingredients or cooking food, then they may be encouraged to intake healthy food. So, while shopping for groceries or preparing meals, get them along and teach them about different foods and how to read food labels.
·      To avoid kids from having unhealthy snacks like soda, chips, cookies, etc. avail them with fruits, vegetables or healthy beverages when they feel the need to have snacks.
Kid-friendly Junk Food Alternatives
Usually junk food is tempting for kids. Even though it is typically high in sugar, unhealthy fat & calories and low in nutrients, fast food will always be the first choice for children to eat. However, few healthy food preparation tips can ensure healthy eating habits in children, which can include:
·      Instead of French fries, give children ‘Baked Fries’ that are grilled in oven and salted lightly.
·      Yogurt, sorbet and fresh fruit smoothies could be perfect substitutes of an ice cream.
·      Baked or grilled chicken is as tasty as fried chicken but is healthier than it.
·      Chocolate-Chip cookies are replaceable with fig bars, vanilla wafers, fruits and caramel dip.
·      Baked vegetable chips or nuts could serve as delicious alternative for potato chips.

In a nutshell, there are several ways in which parents can prepare food that balances nutrition of healthy food as well as taste of junk food. Healthy food habits can be really critical for children, which will not only help their physical & brain development, but also lead a healthy life.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Stepping up the ladder of success with abacus brain development program

Let’s face it. Mathematics has never been a favorite subject among children and the subject is known to bring anxiousness. Parents face daunting challenge of making children take interest in math and excel in it. But is there a way to eliminate this math nervousness? What if, children developed an inclination towards math learning & succeeded in life like never before? That’s where abacus for kids comes into action.

Building a strong foundation bead-by-bead with the abacus

The use of Abacus dates 2000 years back, when people started using it as a calculating tool. Today, a well-designed abacus math program provides similar lessons to kids but in a much more powerful way. It builds a strong foundation of math that strengthens their cognitive skills for complex calculations in the future.
A lot of students face problems in advanced math, which involves several complex equations. Kids trained in the abacus math classes grasp these concepts effectively as they develop a firm understanding of numbers and calculations. Along with strengthening math skills, abacus learning also promotes whole-brain development in children, making them sharp, quick and accurate.

Benefits of abacus training for kids

The major advantage of abacus training is that it helps in boosting math calculation skills, thus making children quicker & accurate like never before. Abacus turns math into play for kids as they start identifying patterns, making it easier to solve a problem. When they touch abacus beads and rapidly calculate, it also stimulates various acupoints on the fingers that result in activating the cerebral cortex. These acupoints further stimulate various body organs including, liver, kidney & the heart.
Apart from these, children who regularly attend abacus math classes enjoy a plethora of cognitive benefits. They develop sharper memory, become self-confident and grow into self-reliant individuals. Abacus training makes understanding of concepts easy and makes them curious to learn more about different subjects.

Is your child an abacus wizard yet?

Abacus training can drastically improve a child’s performance in mathematics. As kids progress through different levels of abacus learning, they will show significant improvement in academics & extra-curricular activities. A good abacus math program will enrich their lives by providing benefits that will only steer their life in the direction of lifelong success.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Mental math is an ancient technique for calculation and offers significant benefits to its practitioner. It eliminates the use of paper, calculators, abacus, and other calculating devices, therefore, developing a reliance on mental calculations as the primary source of finding answers to mathematical problems.
According to the UNESCO Institute of statistics, 617 million children & adolescents worldwide are incapable of gaining the minimum level of proficiency in math and reading. This barrier to learning is slowly diminishing with the inception of several brain development programs for children. They have stepped in to teach mental math and offer countless other benefits along the way.
Mental Math is performed using visualization techniques that aid children in computation. At initial stages, it is taught with the help of abacus. As children step into progressive levels, the trainers utilize flash cards, activity books, arithmetic logic & number manipulation to make children adroit in mathematics. Children are able to perform complex calculations quickly, which escalate their brain development during early critical years.
Making children the champion of math & life
Afterschool programs that make children adept in mental calculations enable them to utilize both the right & left hemisphere of the brain. This increases their creative side as well as improves their rational thinking capabilities.
·  Mental math makes children focused & improves their concentration as they deliberately practice calculating specific problems. This develops them into individuals who become better at accomplishing the task at hand.
·    The brain development programs stimulate children to utilize their cognitive skills that develop new neural pathways in the brain. This makes them sharper, increases memory & quicker at doing larger calculations.
·   As children continue to accomplish projects, they develop higher self-confidence that makes them more sociable & have better relationships. They learn to effectively communicate their thoughts and become better at expressing among groups & people.
·  Afterschool program for math makes it easier for children to understand the relationship between numbers. They nurture their mathematical ability by developing a keen sense of numbers. This also results in better problem-solving skills in day-to-day life.
Learning mental math at an early age equips children with the skills that assist them in every endeavor of life. Self-discipline, multi-tasking, creativity, and visualization are a few among the numerous benefits that result from the program. It’s time for you to end the wait and enroll your child in the program that makes them a winner at life; Enroll your child in UCMAS – World’s leading and most trusted mental math program.