Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Research Done on Impact of Abacus Training on Children

Seeing children as avid Abacus math users in action is a sight to behold. Their hands perform arithmetic operations quicker than anyone using an electronic calculator. Abacus, an ancient calculating device has drawn attention of educationists and scientists equally. The prime reason can be the simplicity it provides when it comes to calculating the complex numbers. Even in the 20th century, the magical accuracy and speed that an Abacus user shows is a subject of research.

Studies have shown that Abacus method of mental calculation is quite effective in the development of both sides of the brain. Earlier, this idea acted only as a hypothesis. However, the recent development in the research done on impact of Abacus for kids, supports the hypothesis. Eminent researchers and scholars have studied the effectiveness of Abacus training on children and this is what they have revealed.

The effects of Abacus Training on intelligence and mental computation were assessed with the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM). 3185 children in Sudan were divided into two groups, the Experimental and the Control. IQs of the groups were examined and tested. The Experimental group was given intensive Abacus training involving mental processes used to solve cognitive problems. The other group didn’t receive Abacus training. Both the groups were later tested with SPM. The Experimental group gained significant 7.11 IQ points contrary to the negligible difference between the IQ scores of both the groups before experiment.

In another research, children were presented with various images and asked to estimate the number of dots in them. It was later revealed that children who received Abacus training were more accurate in giving estimate, solving addition problems and displaying different pattern of responses, than untrained participants.

Thus, Abacus is a healthy brain stimulant. It promotes use of both left and right brain simultaneously. Starting Abacus learning at young age helps to activate the brains of young children. Children who receive insightful Abacus training are found to be superior in their memory especially in terms of the number of digits, which they are able to memorize. The retention of the numbers is certain. On the contrary, non-Abacus learners’ calculation methods lack flexibility in exploring innovative ways to solve problems.

Also, studies have confirmed that students are able to visualize image of Abacus in their head. Their enhanced ability to visualize can be put to use for other subjects as well. The positive effects of Abacus on children have been accepted by the entire education fraternity at large. There is no exaggeration in stating that the coming days will witness more researches with supportive findings to encourage upcoming generations to adapt to Abacus methods.

Since 25 years, UCMAS is providing insightful Abacus training to children through its exclusive program. The Abacus program is developed with the aim to stimulate brain functioning, enhance cognitive skills and develop mental arithmetic capabilities. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Here’s why every child should attend mental math classes and develop their brain capabilities
Many of us think why children shouldn’t make use of gadgets like calculator and solve math problems easily, rather than solve it on their own. Makes sense, right? However, if you delve deep and look into the benefits of the doing calculations mentally rather than with a calculator, you’ll realize its importance and how it can do wonders for children. Here are the five great reasons for children to go for mental math programs.
1. Children can be faster than a calculator
It would be hard to believe but children, when equipped with right skills, can solve a math problem quickly than a calculator. While using a calculator, they need to pull out the device, tap in the numbers and then get the answer. In mental math calculations, they just have to listen numbers and let their brain process the calculation, which have been proven to be faster than a calculator. Mental math programs train children in a way that they can do addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, square root and other arithmetic operations at lightning speed.
2. Mental math can help children with real-world estimates
It’s an undeniable fact that we rely on mental computation more on everyday basis. Here are some real-world examples that demand children to make use of mental math & computation throughout their day.
  •     Cross checking the itemized grocery bill during a supermarket visit
  •     Estimating time required to reach a certain place
  •     Calculating total money saved in a piggy bank without any help
  •     Estimating the value of discount percentages while buying their favorite toy
  •     Estimating amount of ingredients required while helping mother to cook
These are just the basic examples and the benefits of mental math go beyond arithmetic calculations. Mental math classes help children develop their holistic brain capabilities.
3. Stimulates brain development
Everyone is aware and keen of improving physical fitness. But hardly you find people who look to improve their brain fitness. Our brains, especially during early critical years ranging from 0 to 6 years, have an amazing capacity to change and grow when regularly challenged with activities like mental math. Mental math classes help children develop their ‘brain fitness’ as they train them to quickly and accurately solve a variety of arithmetic problems, which demand stimulation of their brain and escalating its development.
To know more about how mental math helps develop brain capabilities, check out this page.

4. Develops fluency
A research on mental math has shown fluency in mental math calculations is similar to being fluent in another language. Fluency in language means no looking up in dictionary, contextual meaning and the conversations become more meaningful. Similarly, fluency attained by children through mental math programs ensure that even complex math problems become easy and they develop affinity towards math.
5. Boosts self-confidence
When children attain mental math fluency and can easily solve problems where other children struggle, is a real confidence booster. They become sharp, accurate and their confidence in math gets reflected in other subjects as well, which leads to overall academic excellence.
Since 25 years, UCMAS has successfully trained more than 3 million children globally in mental math. With its unique Abacus technique, UCMAS helps develop brain capabilities as well as visual, auditory and kinesthetic senses, making learning easy and exciting for them. To know more about UCMAS and its mental math program, visit this page.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Gone are the days of traditional education where students were only taught from books. The ever-changing landscape of early age education has given rise to much better & practical concepts that result in the development of students at a young age.
Parents are increasingly understanding the importance of after school programs in shaping their child’s future. The engaging & hands-on activities prepare children to achieve academic & co-curricular success where they might struggle in absence of proper training. With the help of early childhood education, children can understand their strengths and gain an early victory over their weaknesses.
Trends that will make early childhood education better
Early childhood education has evolved twofold in recent years. Changes in the teaching methodology, focus on experiential learning & technologically oriented curriculum, among several others, have emerged as significant contributors in providing children with a positive learning experience. Here are a few other early age education trends that you should look forward to in 2019 for your child’s lifelong success –
  1. Play-based learning
    The books have been kept aside and tools like the abacus, play-doh, building blocks, educational toys, and instruments have taken their place. Active playing is now a part of every after-school curriculum as they strengthen the connections in the brain, increase flexibility & allow children to realize their potential.
  2. Robotics learning
    STEM learning not only provides programming skills but expands a child’s brain through creative problem-solving. Robotics is the future of technology and STEM education at an early age will stimulate children to choose a career in this field.
  3. Physical fitness
    Afterschool programs are continuously focusing on developing the physical health of children in an environment where the opportunities to play outside are rare. Sports activities like running, swimming, dancing, and martial arts are included in the curriculum to keep children fit & stimulate their brain power. Practicing these activities develops confidence, self-discipline & drives them towards greater pursuits in life.
  4. Outdoor Exploration
    Outdoor activities are increasingly gaining relevancy in early age education. Afterschool programs are now focusing on introducing children to the world with enjoyable activities like basic gardening, taking care of pets, bird watching, outdoor games & much more.
Early education has touched stellar heights with an increasing focus on providing children with an experiential learning environment. In today’s dynamic & competitive world, afterschool programs boost a child’s chances of success by guiding them in the right direction for advancing their career. UCMAS is a holistic brain development and an afterschool program that contributes to the cognitive development of children and provides them a path towards lifelong success.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Most of us dread hearing or come across anything that is related to math or numbers, and so do children. But whether you like it or not, mathematics is omnipresent and utterly significant. From our everyday lives to scientific and technological discoveries, Mathematics is the foundation of everything around us.
One cannot imagine life without Mathematics, so it’s better to come to terms with the fear and accept the subject’s importance. Math anxiety and its more severe forms such as math phobia have kept many students from opting for challenging disciplines where mathematics plays a fundamental role. If your children are afraid of or dislike math, this blog will throw light on how to cope up with that fear and develop a liking for the subject.

Recognize & address the problem:

Hearing your child say ‘I can’t do Math’ or making excuses to avoid the subject, can be early signs of Math Anxiety. To address this problem, you must talk about the significance of the subject and teach children to have fun with numbers. The parents can even talk to the tutors and help children understand the basic concepts of math, to simplify the process.

Do mental calculations in everyday life:

Go beyond the books and find a way to use numbers and calculations with your child in everyday life. This will help children take interest in the subject. You can take your children grocery shopping and try to beat the shop-keeper in his speed of calculation, make them keep a score of soccer matches, calculate the time they will take to reach the school, etc.
Regular exposure to such things can make understanding statistics simpler in future.

Positive encouragement:

People believe that only some children have the ability to be good at math, which is nothing but a myth. This theory’s even knocked down by research, but many teachers still believe it.
Instead of being negative when the children get something wrong, talk about the problems with them and emphasize the aspects that they got correct. Positive encouragement is a great way to help children overcome the math phobia.

Make math fun:

In math, the ability to play around with numbers is vital for mental arithmetic as well as real-life. Playing games that are numbers oriented is an excellent way to make math fun. Whether its old
school card and board games or multiple puzzles found online, these games will ease out the complications and make math concepts easier to understand.
While this activity may seem less educational, they will still be effective for your child’s learning as they arouse an interest in the subject – which is the first step towards independent and active learning.

Build confidence:

If your child has always done badly in math, then it is natural for them to dislike the subject. As parents, you have to identify the weak areas and simplify it for them. You can also give them incentives for every equation solved correctly to motivate them further.
Every successful calculation will build their confidence and thereby make them like the subject.

Thus, it’s an established fact that being skillful, or at least, competent in math is necessary to survive in modern life. Its better if we start helping children with math in their early years since it is scientifically proven that 75% of the brain develops most rapidly in the first few years of a child’s life.
So, let’s start now and bring out the genius in your child.